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It was the ladies of the church who procured the first pipe organ from New York in 1882. Bettie MacKay was employed at a salary of $100 per year. There is no reference of anyone to play an organ until 1871, at which time Mrs. The good brother was voted down, yet he continued to be a faithful supporter of the church, despite his opposition to choirs and singing. I, the undersigned, solemnly protest against the action of the church at the last meeting in appropriating funds to buy books for the choir, thus forcing members of this church who conscientiously believe a gallery choir to be an incubus on any church, to contribute to the support of a thing which they consider an evil, nothing but an evil, and that continually. The gallery element continued to lead the singing from on high, but in 1868 when it was proposed that $20 be appropriated to purchase books for the choir, at least one opponent expressed his opposition: Is the church in favor of having the congregation rise while singing the second hymn, which is given out from the pulpit?

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Will the members of the church use their influence and do what they can to promote singing among the congregation?ĥ. Where does the church desire the leaders of the singing to sit?Ĥ. Does the church desire those who lead the singing to sit near the instrument?ģ. Does the church desire that the melodeon be used in the church music?Ģ. In 1860 the minister brought to the church the following points for decision:ġ. The gallery element, however, kept up its agitation and when later after considerable discussion a vote was taken, the result was in its favor accordingly, they moved back to the gallery, taking the melodeon with them. After much discussion a vote was taken, resulting in the church asking those leading the singing to move to the main floor and occupy seats directly in front of the minister. Only a melodeon was in use when the church was completed, and what was considered appropriate in the way of music may seem very different to us.Īfter moving up from the basement when the main auditorium was completed, there was a group that insisted on forming itself into a choir and occupying seats in the gallery and from that elevation, leading the singing. In an era when many of us lament the seemingly increasing number of churches that are abandoning their organs for other instruments, it may be interesting to note that this church stood for 25 years before it ever had an organ. The ground-floor basement was opened in 1853, though the church was not formally organized until 1854, and the upstairs main auditorium in 1857. This landmark Greek Revival temple was designed by Philadelphia architect Samuel Sloan. Leigh Street Baptist Church is one of only a handful of Richmond’s legion of 19th-century churches to be both in its original location and original building. The chapter was joined by church members who heard a talk by this writer, as well as musical selections by a past organist, the current organist, and a chapter scholarship student.


The Richmond Chapter of the AGO gathered on the morning of Novemto observe the centennial of a Kimball organ of three manuals and 29 ranks.

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